Create a Colorful Garden…Even in this Heat!

Dallas (Zone 8a) gets hot…yet we want a colorful garden. Here is a list of some of my favorite colorful flowers that can handle the heat!

1. Black-Eyed Susans: This native plant is beautiful with the prominent dark centers and yellow flowers. Butterflies love these!
Black-Eyed-Susan-Backgrounds2. Pincushion Flowers: These pastel color flowers attract butterflies and hummingbirds. They can get almost two feet tall.
pin3. Autumn Sage: The dark red, purple, lavender and fuchsia colors are beautiful!
032015flowers24. Homestead Verbena: I love the large purple flower clusters.
1774-Homestead-Purple-Verbena 5. Pink Skullcap: Small, red flowers.pinkskullcap 6. Blackfoot Daisy: This has small white flowers with yellow centers and needs a well-draining soil.926152ab0316638c_5883-w618-h436-b0-p0--home-design7. New Gold Lantana: This lantana has golden yellow flowers.Lantana-New-Gold18. Hibiscus: 10 foot wide plant with bright, scarlet flowers. How could you not love that?his 9. Belinda’s Dream: This pink rose required little care.belindas_dream110. Mystic Spires Blue: These blue and long flowers are pretty and also the plant is rarely bothered by pests or disease.spires

Send me pictures of your garden if you happen to have some of these beautiful flowers in it! I would love to see it!

As always, I am never too busy to handle any of your real estate needs! Happy planting!

-Dawn Redmond

It’s Officially Summer Vacation!


“Summer vacation (also called summer holiday or summer break) is a school holiday in summer between school years and the longest break in the school year. Students and instructors are off school typically between 6 and 14 weeks, depending on the country and district. In America, Ireland, Italy, Greece, Lithuania, Romania and Russia, the summer break is normally three months, compared to six to eight weeks in Australia, Britain, The Netherlands, Canada, and Germany.” – Wikipedia

So are we thankful our break is 3 months long or are you jealous of Australia, Britain, The Netherlands, Canada and Germany?!!


Things To Do Memorial Day Weekend

Memorial Day Weekend at the Arboretum
May 27th-30th, various times
Dallas Arboretum and Botanical Gardens
Enjoy fun for all ages all Memorial Day weekend at the Dallas Arboretum. All active duty members, veterans, or first responders receive free admission with valid ID. Enjoy live music Saturday and Sunday, and two free Eddie Coker concerts Monday. During all four days there will also be activities for children.

Pittsburgh Pirates vs. Texas Rangers
May 27th, 7:05pm; May 28th, 6:15pm
Globe Life Park
Watch the Rangers take down the Pirates in this explosive weekend meetup! Friday and Saturday, Rangers Alumni will be signing autographs from 6- 6:45 PM. Signing will take place near the Budweiser Bowtie Plaza.

Soluna Festival: Our Heroes
May 28th, 8:30pm
Klyde Warren Park
Jaap van Zweden conducts a program of patriotic favorites and beloved classics in honor of Dallas’s veterans and first responders in collaboration with Carry The Load. The perfect concert for the whole family, presented in partnership with Klyde Warren Park.

Dallas Margarita Meltdown
May 29th, 4pm-10pm
West End, Downtown Dallas
You taste. You sample. You play judge and vote for your favorite margarita. The best margaritas from the DFW area will be at one location. You decide which margarita is the best at the Dallas Margarita Meltdown presented by Milagro Silver.

Dallas Memorial March / Carry the Load
May 29th, 4pm
Reverchon Park
The national relay Carry The Load will conclude at the Dallas Memorial March. The Dallas Memorial March was created as a way to raise awareness for our veterans and military families. The 20-hour and 16-minute walk will be at Reverchon Park in Dallas and this family-friendly event is a way to restore the meaning of Memorial Day and support our military heroes. Go online to sign up as an individual or as part of a team.

Dallas Symphony Orchestra Memorial Day Concert
May 30th, 8:00 p.m.
Flag Pole Hill
Want to opt out of rowdy events or bars with Memorial Day drink specials? Head over to Flag Pole Hill Park, 8100 Doran Circle, where the Dallas Symphony Orchestra will play patriotic music in honor of Memorial Day. The concert will be capped off with a fireworks display. Don’t forget to bring a lawn chair or towel to enjoy this casual outdoor concert without taking home any grass stains. Music starts at 8 p.m. and the event is free and open to the public. The rain site for this event will be the Morton H. Meyerson Symphony Center.


The Good Things about Tax Day

We all know filling out your tax return forms can be stressful so why not reward yourself when they are done? Following is a list of some free and discounted things around town for you to enjoy! After I shred some paper, I will be heading to Schlotsky’s for lunch then Great American Cookies for dessert.

*FREE DOCUMENT SHREDDING @ OfficeMax & Office Depot (up to 5 pounds) until April 23rd.

FREE DOCUMENT SHREDDING @ Staples (up to 5 pounds) until April 18th.

FREE CINNABON BITES on Tax Day! Visit any Cinnabon.

FREE ORIGINAL CHOCOLATE CHIP COOKIE @ Great American Cookies on April 18th. (participating stores only)

FREE CUP OF SHAVED ICE from Kona Ice. Trucks will be parked outside post offices, tax prep centers and other businesses on April 18th.

FREE SANDWICH with purchase of drink and chips @ Schlotzsky’s on April 18th.

HALF-PRICE CHEESEBURGER @ Sonic on April 18th.

FREE HYDROMASSAGE @ Planet Fitness (must be 18 or older) from April 18th to 22nd. Download coupon starting April 18th from the Planet Fitness website.



Woman-arm-muscleI am so proud of the Murphy Moms! A past real estate client of mine, Tammy Leflett, had a package stolen from her porch. Her neighbor obtained a picture of the thief from one of her home security cameras. Once that picture was on the “Moms of Murphy” Facebook page, a private group of over 1,000 Murphy residents, the moms went to work!

About an hour after the package was stolen, another Murphy Mom drove past an accident. She noticed the person and car in the the crash matched the person and car on the “Moms of Murphy” Facebook page. She showed the picture to the police officer who then looked inside his car and guess what? The police officer found packages belonging to at least eight victims in Plano, Murphy and Wylie…and one was Tammy’s! The total value of the stolen goods was around $750.

The Murphy police chief presented certificates of appreciation to the moms. Good job ladies! And remember, “Don’t Mess with Murphy Moms!”

If you want to see the video from Fox4News then click here.

Don’t Mess with Murphy Moms!

Wait – Do not cut off the red emergency release cord!


I am sure you have heard there have been quite a few attempted break-ins into garages in Murphy lately.  According to Murphy’s Chief of Police, none of them have been successful, though there has been some damage to some garage doors. Murphy is currently investigating and following up on leads.

What are some things you can do to protect yourself and your home?

  1. Remove any remote controlled garage door openers from your car. Instead, use a keychain remote opener so it will always be with you…not left in the car.
  2. Lock the door that leads from the garage into the house. It should be treated like you would the main front door of the home.
  3. Place a peep hole in the door so if you hear a noise in the garage you can see what is going on without having to open the door.
  4. If you have windows into the garage, make sure the blinds are closed or the windows are frosted so it is harder for them to see if a car is in the garage or not. No car means no one is home…more likely of a break-in.
  5. Add a motion detecting light on either side of the garage door.
  6. Keep bushes and trees around the garage door small and low so it is not an easy hiding place.

What should you NOT do? DO NOT CUT OFF THE RED EMERGENCY RELEASE CORD to your garage door.  Some people say it helps prevents burglars from using a coat hanger to dis-engage the garage door opener BUT it also prevents anyone from being able to get out of the garage in the event of an emergency.  Plus, “Federal Law requires emergency release cords to be installed and maintained on all garage door openers.” Some people will use a zip tie in the holes in the trolley but you must use the smallest you can find! Why? So in an emergency if you need to pull the emergency release cord, it will snap the zip tie. It needs to be strong enough to stop a coat hanger or fishing wire from snagging it BUT will break away with a hard pull of the release cord.


Even though Murphy is known as one of the “safest cities in the U.S.” residents should not leave their guard down!  I am proud of all the Murphy residents for informing one another and talking about different situations. I read about it on Facebook’s MOMS OF MURPHY group and if it wasn’t for them I may not have heard that this was happening.

Thanks neighbors!

-Dawn Redmond




Are you ready?

An article on really interested me today! We all know the famous Pennsylvania groundhog, Punxsutawney Phil, did not see his shadow, right?  If his prediction was correct and we do indeed have a warm February, this is recipe for a early spring housing market.  Buyers and sellers need to prepare for this! According to, past data indicates that if February temperatures are above average, then home sales could show a 60% growth compared to 2015. Are you ready?

Let me help you! Contact me today so I can walk you through the entire process of buying and/or selling a home. I am your “new reason to trust real estate.”

-Dawn Redmond



On January 6th, myself and other Ebby agents from across North Texas, assisted in cleaning up neighborhoods that were affected by the recent tornadoes. The devastation I saw will never leave me! I never thought in a million years that clients I once helped to find a home and start their dreams, I would have to one day help them pick up the pieces. This is an experience that humbled me to my core.

We called ourselves “Team Ebby!” We consisted of approximately 80 agents, as well as some staff from our affiliated Title and Mortgage companies. Some duties for clean-up included: removing broken glass, nails and shingles; removing fences and soiled carpet; walking the neighborhood to ask different homeowners what they need. Sometimes all they needed was a shoulder to cry on.

Operation Blessing International (Disaster Relief Services) is the non-profit organization that coordinated Team Ebby. Their main mission during a disaster is to supply meals, lodging, equipment, work order coordination and more. They are always in need of volunteers, so if you would like to learn more about them and possibly sign up to be a part of their team, then just click on this link:



I had a wonderful holiday season this year! It started out the week before Thanksgiving with an Appreciation Party that I hosted with my friend and co-worker, Cynthia Lopez. We had all our past clients join us at Texas Restaurant in Richardson for wonderful food, music, drinks and socializing. I also invited my leadership from Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated, Chi Zeta Omega Chapter where I serve as president.

I attached some of my favorite pictures for you to see. This is an tradition and looking forward to my event next year as well!  Each guest left with a Poinsettia to get them in the holiday spirit along with a $10 token to bring back to use at Texas at a later date.

I hope each of you made many memories this holiday season. I am still praying and thinking about all the people that were affected by the tornadoes last week. If you need anything please let me know!

Enjoy my slideshow and don’t forget to contact me if I can assist you with any real estate needs!

Thank you for following my blog. Until 2016!

-Dawn Redmond

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Client Appreciation Party 2015

Random Acts of Kindness

Even though Random Acts of Kindness week isn’t until February 14th, I wanted to go ahead and participate now! The truth is for years I have suffered from seasonal depression. But this year I have felt great. I believe that doing community service projects all year long has lifted my spirits. When I share and give to others, I feel better. You should try it too!

I got the idea to do Random Acts because a friend of mine’s daughter left her a note that said “These are all rinsed. Random acts of kindness.” Something little like helping with the dishes can make someone’s day. And remember, this is something the whole family can enjoy doing.

2015-12-03 21.54.35

Need some ideas?
*Treat someone to fresh fruit
*Put gas in someone’s car
*Sing Christmas carols at a nursing home
*Buy something for the person in line behind you
*Rake your neighbor’s yard
*Cook a meal for someone
*Give warm clothes, shoes and boots to the homeless
*Renew a friendship
*Facebook message a genuine compliment to some friends
*Leave a nice server the biggest tip you can afford
*Talk to the shy person at the party
*Adopt a rescue pet
*Send a care package to a soldier
*Bring holiday sweets to work
*Help the stressed parent by babysitting one night
*Leave a whole bunch of pennies heads-up for kids to find on the sidewalk
*Go to your friend’s kid’s event
*Send dessert to another table
*Give away stuff for free on Craigslist
*Decorate for the holidays
*Give someone a book you think they would like
*Spread the goodness!

Don’t worry, I am going to complete many Random Acts of Kindness this month….and hopefully every month. Just today I was standing in line for the restroom and I let the lady behind me go before me.

I love scrolling through the internet to see what others have done. I have attached some of my favorites. Would you mind sharing with me different Random Acts of Kindness that you either gave or received?

As always, I am never too busy to take care of any of your real estate needs! Contact me anytime, especially during the holiday season. It would make me happy to help you!

-Dawn Redmond
