Murphy businesses are the BEST!


Murphy businesses are the best! A couple of weeks ago, Chi Zeta Omega Chapter, Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc.®, a life-long community service organization that I am member of, shipped 488 pounds of hygiene supplies to help the flood victims in Baton Rouge, LA. We asked local area dentists, Walmart Super Store, Target and hotels to donate to the cause and they all answered the call by contributing hundreds of supplies to our collection.

While my group had a plan for gathering donations, we didn’t anticipate the expense of getting the items to Louisiana. I brought all the heavy boxes to the Murphy UPS Store and then they gave me an unexpected surprise. After finding out what I was doing, Josh, an employee at the UPS Store, told me that he understood the hard work that it takes to organize a donation drive. He had worked for over a month with his church to help displaced families when the tornado hit the Rowlett and Garland areas last December. Guess what he did? He blessed us with a money-saving discount on shipping costs!

I knew Murphy was a great place to live, but I learned something new about the UPS store and Walmart Superstore through this effort. Murphy-ites are fortunate to dwell in a supportive community where our local businesses care.

-Dawn Redmond

Random Acts of Kindness

Even though Random Acts of Kindness week isn’t until February 14th, I wanted to go ahead and participate now! The truth is for years I have suffered from seasonal depression. But this year I have felt great. I believe that doing community service projects all year long has lifted my spirits. When I share and give to others, I feel better. You should try it too!

I got the idea to do Random Acts because a friend of mine’s daughter left her a note that said “These are all rinsed. Random acts of kindness.” Something little like helping with the dishes can make someone’s day. And remember, this is something the whole family can enjoy doing.

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Need some ideas?
*Treat someone to fresh fruit
*Put gas in someone’s car
*Sing Christmas carols at a nursing home
*Buy something for the person in line behind you
*Rake your neighbor’s yard
*Cook a meal for someone
*Give warm clothes, shoes and boots to the homeless
*Renew a friendship
*Facebook message a genuine compliment to some friends
*Leave a nice server the biggest tip you can afford
*Talk to the shy person at the party
*Adopt a rescue pet
*Send a care package to a soldier
*Bring holiday sweets to work
*Help the stressed parent by babysitting one night
*Leave a whole bunch of pennies heads-up for kids to find on the sidewalk
*Go to your friend’s kid’s event
*Send dessert to another table
*Give away stuff for free on Craigslist
*Decorate for the holidays
*Give someone a book you think they would like
*Spread the goodness!

Don’t worry, I am going to complete many Random Acts of Kindness this month….and hopefully every month. Just today I was standing in line for the restroom and I let the lady behind me go before me.

I love scrolling through the internet to see what others have done. I have attached some of my favorites. Would you mind sharing with me different Random Acts of Kindness that you either gave or received?

As always, I am never too busy to take care of any of your real estate needs! Contact me anytime, especially during the holiday season. It would make me happy to help you!

-Dawn Redmond




AKA: an organization of lifelong service and sisterhood

For some, the sorority and fraternity life ends after college graduation. For me, the real benefits of sorority life began after graduation. I was initiated into Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. (AKA) 26 years ago and I cherish my sorority membership today more than ever before. Most people think that my involvement is social and are surprised to learn how much community service is involved along with leadership and professional development. As the president of the Plano chapter, I am responsible for implementing the sorority’s program goals which include five program target areas: (1) Education Enrichment (2) Health Promotion (3) Family Strengthening (4) Environmental Ownership and (5) Global Impact.

On any given weekend you can see the members of the Plano chapter (also known as the Chi Zeta Omega Chapter or CZO) beautifying the playgrounds of Memorial Elementary School in East Plano or donating, along with 60,000 other AKAs, 1 million backpacks to students over the next four years. CZO offers mentoring ans scholarship opportunities for high school girls and boys through its A.S.C.E.N.D. program and Pearl&Ivy programs for girls. We also do various events to raise awareness of health issues along with our community partners National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI), American Heart Association (AHA) and the Alzheimer’s Association. Further, we donate clothing and food to those in need locally and in Africa.

Additionally, the chapter works to raise awareness and funds for historically black colleges and universities, HBCU’s. Our beloved sorority was founded in 1908 on the campus of Howard University, a HBCU, so this a way giving back to institutions that afforded African Americans so much.

In between all of community service, we attend annual conferences that focus on leadership development and offer recognition for the hard work we do. We also have a little fun supporting the events of other civic and service organizations.

When you see me and my sorority sisters wearing pink and green, I hope that you now have an idea of why we are so proud to wear the letters AKA. Many of us have found life-long friendships through our membership. A line from our national hymn describes our sisterhood best – “We help each for we know there is no other like our sisterhood.”

To learn more about the activities of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. ®, Chi Zeta Omega chapter, visit our website

Taking Bluebonnet Pictures?

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Do you plan on taking pictures in the bluebonnets this year? Most Texans really enjoy doing this around April. Here are a few tips for you.

* Make sure the bluebonnets are at their prime, which is a short window. Check your favorite bluebonnet patch often and don’t take them too early or wait too late!

*The more natural the picture, the better. Laugh often and make it fun! Well rested and fed children make better models! Try wearing solid colors so the picture isn’t too busy. The bluebonnets will add enough pattern to the photo.

*Keep a blanket or towel in your car just in case the ground is a little wet. Also, watch out for ants!

*Make sure you are eye level when taking the pictures. If you are on a hill, stand closer to the bottom and take pictures so the bluebonnets fill up the whole picture from the back. In an ideal situation, you want the sun behind the subject of the picture so they don’t have to squint. If there seems to be shadows, use your flash. Try to make the subject fill up 2/3 of the photo and the bluebonnets fill 1/3.

*Best time for photos – early morning or late afternoon/early evening. Not midday!

*Yes, the bluebonnets are beautiful, but stay safe and only take pictures in a safe area!

*Don’t pick the bluebonnets. We want them to grow back next year.

Would you rather have someone else take pictures for you? My friend and Sachse resident, Laura Wilmarth, has a photography business called Water Lily Photography. Contact her to set up an appointment.


By the way…who noticed the old photo at the top of the blog? That was me as a toddler in my pretty Easter dress:) I hope you have a Happy Easter and a wonderful weekend with your family and friends. As always, I am never too busy to take your call. Contact me anytime so I can assist you with ANY of your real estate needs!

-Dawn Redmond